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With the Lunar New Year just around the corner and the lingering effects of our New Year’s resolutions, now is the perfect time to revive your yoga practice. Whether that means slowing down and diving into a Restorative program or possibly ramp up your Tapas and join a wild Vinyasa program, the choice is yours. Listen to what your body needs and give it what it is asking for.
You know you feel better when you move your body.
YogaDownload is my favorite option to access high quality yoga and meditation videos. Being highly accessible, you can literally take a yoga class anywhere and anytime. It’s so beautiful!
The YogaDownload app can be downloaded on Android and iOS devices as well as Smart TVs. This last one is a game changer.
Once you upgrade from watching videos from your laptop to a TV monitor, your whole yoga experience changes. The sound is better. The visuals are bigger and you don’t have to crane your neck nearly as much.
If you haven’t had the chance to check out my article about YogaDownload, here it is. But, in the meantime, I’ll echo the sentiment that having the ability to download an app on your TV, phone, laptop, or tablet is a total GAME CHANGER.
Making your yoga practice one step easier, makes your goal to get on your mat more accessible.
One of the best ways to get the most out of your Yogadownload subscription is to join a program or two. Following a set regimine, especially at the beginning. The finite number of days in a program allows you to tackle small and attainable goals, which strengthen the overall goal. Eventually these 1-2 week programs add up and the next thing you know, you have been practicing yoga every day for a month.
Trick yourself into getting on the mat every day. Motivate yourself through programs that inspire and uplift your spirits. Make self-care a grounded routine to rest and restore your body on a daily basis. Yoga becomes the medicine you need in the moment that you need it.
Trust your gut. Taking the step to join a yoga challenge requires commitment, but remind yourself when it gets tough, that you are giving yourself a gift. The gift of well-being. You deserve this gift.
Signup at any time for the 2021 New Year’s ChallengeThank you for reading. Enjoy your subscription to the YogaDownload. I will have my first video available on the app coming soon!
Don’t forget to share the love!