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Welcome to the overview of this simple, guided self-healing course, the Self-Healing Energy Challenge.
This course is meant to help you connect with the universal life force energy for healing. It is the exact process I used after my first attunement to gain a deeper relationship with Spirit. By tapping into the force of energy that fuels all beings, we can learn to assist in the natural healing of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual realms of ourselves.
Although the course is grounded in the principles of reiki, anyone can do this course whether or not they have been reiki attuned. Energy is everywhere and anyone can develop a relationship with it through practice and commitment. This course facilitates the basics of self-healing energy work within a 21-day framework to build consistency and commitment. I look forward to guiding you on this journey!
You can find the complete course for purchase on Insight Timer, or join via email for free.
Now, let’s walk through our day-by-day experience. The daily process remains the same, but the daily experience shifts and grows throughout the three weeks. Each day there is a new animal to guide us in our self-healing journeys. Take a peek!
DESCRIPTION DAY 1: With the idea that “anyone can heal,” this meditation will help to connect with the deep healing power within and all around. Remembering that the hands are the healers, we can direct the life force energy to certain areas of the body, mind, or layers of the soul body. The guided self-healing practice contains a step-by-step process for harnessing the life force energy, directing it, and clearing blockages along the way. It will be the groundwork for all self-healing sessions to come. At the end of each session, we will pull an oracle card to inspire journaling and contemplation. Leave this first session feeling empowered to begin the journey of self-healing.
DESCRIPTION DAY 2: Getting grounded in our self-healing practice takes commitment, but it helps to remember that we don’t do this alone. This meditation facilitates a connection with personal guides, ancestors, and the earth element. Using the power of mother nature, we are fully supported in and throughout our self-healing journey. Experience the step-by-step process for self-healing. Receive an oracle card to inspire journaling and further contemplation. Leave this session committed to your goals of self-healing.
DESCRIPTION DAY 3: Today’s meditation and guided self-healing is grounded in the frequency of love. We are naturally blessed with the ability to heal. Using the step-by-step process for harnessing the energy, we will connect with the divine frequency and bring it into our being. We can become one with the healing energy and feel the love ripple through our cells. The card pull at the end of the practice will inspire journaling and further contemplation on tuning into your inner voice.
DESCRIPTION DAY 4: Staying the course, this meditation and guided self-healing session continues the path through self-discipline. We make choices to commit to our healing by being aware of how other energies affect us. Practice discernment when you feel energies that may not actually belong to you. The card pull at the end encourages journaling and further contemplation on tuning into your surroundings and refreshing the commitment to support your wellbeing.
DESCRIPTION DAY 5: Today’s guided self-healing energy session will awaken you to new possibilities within your practice. By being persistent with your healing journey, you can unlock doors you didn’t even know existed. Just for today, let’s drop our worries and allow the universal life force energy to grant us protection as we make our way back to the wholeness of the self. The card reading at the end encourages finding strength to keep going. Be gentle with yourself as you continue this process, but don’t give up.
DESCRIPTION DAY 6: It is important to remember that even though we are on this self-healing journey and we are in power of our own wellbeing, it needs to be said that we are never actually alone. The solo healing journey can feel like a long, solo adventure, but we are always surrounded by divine support. That support can come in the form of neighbors, friends, and family members as well as the less-concrete energetic supporting figures that we witness in our healing sessions. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. In fact, using our oracle card as a journal prompt today, we may discover that there is much courage in seeking solutions from within as well as those around us.
DESCRIPTION DAY 7: It’s time for us to realize our spiritual power. Today, we’ll tune into the healing river of intuition and sacred knowledge. We’ve done the groundwork this week to get into a rhythm with our practice. Now is the time to slip easily into the practice and connect with the higher wisdom within. Tap into the energy of the High Priestess in this guided self-healing process by feeling your instinctual behaviors and habits. Are these helping you on your path or are they distractions?
DESCRIPTION DAY 8: For the beginning of week two, be reminded that our spiritual connection is growing daily. Even on days that we skip our formal practice, the seeds have already been planted. Awareness and mindfulness do not simply disappear. Today’s guided healing journey hones in on your emerging awareness and how that can sometimes have an affect on your emotions. We honor our emotional bodies with our spiritual healing, not just by bypassing the emotions, but by feeling them deeply. May the shadows be illuminated as you walk the path of spiritual healing and may you accept the challenges as they arise.
DESCRIPTION DAY 9: Spiritual work can feel exhausting sometimes. It’s okay to take a break when you need it, but call on your inner determination to get yourself back on track and stick with your goals. Consistency is key when developing a relationship with your spiritual energy. Even though forces outside of your practice call you away, it is up to you to hold your ground and continue doing the work. Allow the self-healing practice to refuel your stamina every day.
DESCRIPTION DAY 10: After this session, you will be halfway through this 21-day journey. Keep it up! Your relationship with the spiritual energy is being aligned with your personal power. Today’s practice will continue the same process we always do, so it should start to feel like routine. We remain grounded in routine while manifesting the highest possible outcome. You may fulfill your goals by continuing to align with the healing energy.
DESCRIPTION DAY 11: Play in the fulfillment of your wishes and goals. As you traverse this landscape of self-healing, you may encounter moments of sadness and despair. This is part of the natural cycle of life. However, despair is balanced with bliss and playfulness. As we continue to align with the energy of bliss, we allow ourselves to see with beginner’s eyes. Step into today’s practice with a sense of childlike wonder. Play with this wonderful spiritual energy!
DESCRIPTION DAY 12: Courageous and methodical, we are fully committed to our self-healing. Channeling the energy that sustains all life, we cultivate life-giving energy within. Let’s use today wisely as we continue toward our goals of self-healing. Think of your practice time as your own private retreat. You can connect with this feeling at any time. The more you cultivate the relationship with this vital energy, the more easily you will be able to access it over time. You should be proud of yourself.
DESCRIPTION DAY 13: Radiating feelings of accomplishment, today’s journey reminds us that we are on the path to success. Remember that forcing situations can cause setbacks and we should always allow things to unravel at their own accord. Remaining focused, yet unattached, is the key to successful energy work, and in turn, self-healing. Stay with it. We’re almost through the second week.
DESCRIPTION DAY 14: Stepping into the spirit of awakening, your inner-development is ready to shine. The “renewed you” is emerging from its place in the shadows and making itself known to your ego-identity. This can be troublesome to your ego, so you may feel resistance in one way or another, but keep going. This is a sign that your self-healing journey is working!
DESCRIPTION DAY 15: As we enter the final week in this course, we must remain focused on our original intention. This session will help you rededicate to the course with renewed vigor. You are here to connect with self-healing energy and develop a relationship with it to improve your life. Dedication to this path is necessary for success and today’s practice continues with the steadfast determination to work with the universal life force energy. Allow it to permeate the layers of your being while also remaining neutral in the outcome.
DESCRIPTION DAY 16: One of the perks of having a consistent energy healing practice is the tendency toward a positive mindset. As the old saying by Lao Tzu goes, “Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” By tuning our auric field with the universal lifeforce energy, we are naturally tuned toward positivity. When our mindsets are continually being redirected toward the positive, blessings and wellbeing follow us wherever we go.
DESCRIPTION DAY 17: Today’s practice encourages us to stay rooted in connection to the emotional self. Not everything is rainbows and butterflies when it comes to energy healing. Your emotions are signposts for whatever is going on in your life. If things are going well, you may feel satisfied. If life is giving you struggles, your emotions will also tend to reflect that. Feel free to express yourself and tune into the song of your soul. For if you aren’t letting the emotions out, they are staying in. And, eventually they will feel too heavy to hold onto.
By doing this healing work, we strive to approach our emotions with neutrality. Good or bad, it’s all still energy. By connecting with the healing forces of life, we can work to transmute the lower vibrations and continually rid ourselves of toxic thoughts and habits.
DESCRIPTION DAY 18: The purpose of today’s self-healing session is to reconnect to your core strength. We will step into the energy by going through our tried and true self-healing process grounded in the principles of reiki. Lean into your personal guides for support (and if you don’t know what that means, turn into your internal guidance system) Your intuition is supporting you through this self-healing journey, and simultaneously you are sharpening your intuitive capacity. It is truly a win-win. Your continued faith and spiritual strength keeps you fueled with loving action.
Let us connect with the wisdom of love to empower our continued strength.
DESCRIPTION DAY 19: Building on the idea that our thoughts and actions shape our future, we find balance in our continued strength. Take a meditative moment of self-examination. Look at how far you’ve come. You are awakening your authentic self! Stay with the process of self-healing to assist you in staying true to your highest and best self. You’ve got this process down by now, so just step into that inner knowing and discover your hidden truths.
DESCRIPTION DAY 20: Fueling the final days of our practice, the spirit of Boar propels us to continue on with the journey of self-healing. This is an exciting time! Take this moment to tune into your intuition and enjoy the tried and true practice of self-healing. This process has become rooted in habit, but it will continue to take drive to maintain this habit beyond the confines of this 21-day course. The energy of Boar supports us in that. We can lean into this archetype when our personal power is feeling low. If you are stuck with indecision or frustration, ask, “How would Boar respond to this?” and take suitable action. You are in the driver’s seat of your life. Don’t forget that!
DESCRIPTION DAY 21: After today’s practice, you will have completed the 3 week self-healing energy challenge. When we began this journey, 3 weeks may not have seemed like that much time, but hopefully, as you have moved through the process, you have felt a strong, new lifelong habit forming. The self-healing journey doesn’t end after today. Your relationship with the lifeforce energy is strong right now. You have strengthened this relationship, but continued daily practice will allow you to maintain this connection with spirit for all your years to come.
All in all, the 21-day self-healing challenge provides a solid foundation for your own healing practice. Remember, you can find the complete course for purchase on Insight Timer, or join via email for free. It is completely a-synchronized and is meant to be completed at your own time. Carve out 15 minutes a day for yourself, you will not regret your choice.
When you are ready to take your reiki practice to the next level, contact me for a *live* distance healing session that you can do from your home.